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I wouldn’t mind blowing them out of that airlock.”“So why are you allowing them to do your work, making you look bad?” Takkrtr repeated.“Hey, who am I to complain if they offer to do my job for me? They run the risk of screwing up, while I gain the credit for their efforts.”“But again, won’t your supervisor know the work was performed by someone else?”“The stupid humans aren’t claiming credit for the project. For some unknown reason, they’re taking over any assignments any of the regular staff don’t want, in addition to completing their own tasks.”“And that doesn’t sound odd to you? After all, if they screw up, due to inexperience, you’ll be blamed, while if they do a phenomenal job, you’ll look bad.”As Lamar and Mui exited the air lock, heading to a position too far away to observe, the two ‘men’ turned and walked away, still discussing the trade-off of services.“It’s not so dire. As I said, they aren’t taking credit for the extra work. They’re doing a tremendous job, meaning I get. This class is made up entirely of women. Women in our society are generally seen as only for reproductive purposes and lower level jobs, such as secretaries, nannies, and teachers. This is because their usefulness has largely been replaced by the next class I will tell you about. Class B is the second most valuable class we have in society, only after Class A. Class Bs (colloquially called “sissies” or “girls”), are males that are designated at a very young age for a special purpose. These individuals are generally shorter, more feminine, and very weak compared to us men. They have been chosen for a very specific role that they are molded into starting in grade school. Now, Class As and Bs have very different c***dhoods and experiences. By the age of 8 most males have been separated into their respective classes, and as such are separated into different schools. Class 1s go to schools tailored to developing masculinity in their subjects. As such, sports and physical activity are just.
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